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Clinical Insights from HIMSS: Nurse Edition, Pt 1

| June 1, 2022 | By
Clinician with crossed arms holding stethoscope

Capturing the clinician perspective is one thing that sets Juno apart.

Donna S. Palmer headshotThat insight is integral to the changes we’re implementing in our EHR and it’s a big reason why we send nurses–turned–employees like Donna – not salespeople – to events like HIMSS.

A nurse by trade and former director of surgery operations, Donna started in informatics out of sheer necessity when her hospital acquired some smaller ones. She’s seen the evolution (or perhaps lack thereof) of EHRs in her many years of acting as the gatekeeper for her small hospital network. We caught up with Donna to get her sense of the HIMSS event and what excites her about the future of Juno EHR in the healthcare IT space.

Q: What was the buzz inside your booth at HIMSS? What feedback were you getting from doctors, nurses, etc?

I heard from a lot of our attendees that being cloud-based is a huge draw. From the end-user side as a nurse, Juno makes their lives easier in so many aspects. It’s configurable. If they need to make a change, it’s not a big deal to do that. That was a real attention grabber.

Q: With each system being customizable, what about standardization? Are we catching everything that needs to be captured?

Even with the different modules, we’re all trying to stay in line. Standardization is extremely important and, honestly, has always been a bit lacking with other EHRs. But in our platform, everything is uniform across the board. It doesn’t matter what template you’re in, it looks familiar.

Q: What sticks out for clinical experiences in 2022?

I’m responsible for my patient’s care and safety. We have to keep up with the times and we have to keep up with rapid changes. Like with COVID, which has brought a lot of change to patient care. We need to protect our staff and our community. Juno has a good vision of this. We can change those requirements, those flow sheets, that reporting. We can keep up with the times and not worry about having to go back to paper or miss a CDC requirement. It’s COVID now, but it will always be something. We need to remember that our patients are the driving force.

Q: If you had to name one thing about Juno EHR that makes it a standout, what would it be?

I think it’s that we’re cloud-based. Being cloud-based means we have minimal downtime. As a nurse, I can remember working shifts where there was planned downtime and I would need to have everything for my patients pre-printed going into that. And depending on your facility’s policy, you might either have to scan those documents into the system, or back-chart everything.

Q: What brought you to Juno?

I feel like for me it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be on the ground floor of something that is going to make such a huge difference in so many people’s lives. And taking the experiences from clinicians to get it right this time – that’s important. Was it scary? Absolutely. But I want to make a difference and I believe Juno will.

We’ve been working hard on Juno EHR, and we like to use events like HIMSS as a litmus test to see how we’re stacking up against what’s already out there. Accounting for the clinician perspective is integral to what sets us apart, and having former nurses on staff to help guide our decisions is proving to be a real gamechanger. Our interview with Donna is the first in a three-part series. Follow for more HIMSS insights from our booth crew.