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Juno EHR for Behavioral Health

Deliver exceptional care with advanced EHR features tailored to your practice. Juno EHR supports personalization so you can meet your needs. Achieve your goals with a behavioral health EHR that works your way.

Behavioral Health expert

A seamless flow of information throughout the care continuum

You need an electronic health record that is purpose-built for behavioral health to facilitate coordination, collaboration, and communication.

Across clinical, technical, and executive functions, Juno EHR for Behavioral Health is ready to help your organization meet its unique goals.

For Clinical Teams

Enhance care coordination and improve patient engagement in behavioral health settings. Juno EHR automates workflows, streamlines documentation that can otherwise disrupt therapy, and provides insights for targeted interventions. Refocus on effective treatment and nurture positive outcomes with real-time data that can be accessed from a single dashboard, eliminating the need to click back and forth between screens.

For Technical Teams

Support regulatory compliance and keep controlled substance management in line with state and federal regulations. Juno EHR supports behavioral health IT through integration with prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and electronic prescribing for controlled substances programs while enhancing care quality with data-driven insights. Integrate your behavioral health EHR with key systems to streamline workflows and adapt to patient care needs.

For Executives

Enhance safety, efficiency, and behavioral health care quality. Juno EHR’s rapid response features improve patient and staff safety during critical incidents, and scheduling optimization streamlines operations and improves care coordination. Get access to real-time patient data to ensure compliance with treatment plans.

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ONC Certified for Trusted Performance

Juno Health's ONC-Certified EHR translates to tangible benefits for your hospital and gives you confidence in its quality, functionality, and security. This certification ensures the Juno EHR system meets rigorous industry standards, enabling seamless interoperability and supporting your participation in key healthcare programs. With Juno Health, you can focus on patient care, knowing your EHR is built on a foundation of trusted performance.

A Behavioral Health EHR Without the Headaches

Streamline Care and Collaborate Seamlessly

Meet your behavioral health organization’s unique needs, supporting patients and staff. Juno EHR is fully customizable to rise to your challenges while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Document and evaluate patient progress in real time, sharing and updating treatment plans across the continuum of care.

Showcase of Juno's Behavioral health ehr in action

Effortlessly Support the Golden Thread

Improve documentation, reduce manual processes, and enhance patient outcomes with Juno EHR. Our behavioral health EHR maintains the Golden Thread with a seamless flow of information throughout the patient journey, eliminating duplicate tasks and treatments.

Take A Closer Look at The Golden Thread

holding hands

Behavioral Health EHR Highlights

Transforming Behavioral Health

As behavioral health becomes more complex, the pressure to meet patient needs continues to grow. Our behavioral health EHR supports on-time patient care and documentation throughout the continuum of care.


Reduce readmissions through reconciliation that ensures medication adherence. ePrescribing integrates with PDMPs to support compliance and monitor drug abuse risks. Improve efficiency inside your behavioral health EHR with workflow automation and support opioid stewardship.

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Deliver timely, right-fit care with scheduling and management features. Session Manager supports care access by managing the wait list and provider availability, ensures patients receive the care specified by their treatment plan, and enables you to pre-manage conflicts to prevent care disruptions.


Reduce administrative burden and improve clinical documentation with advanced chart reporting. Chart Review helps clinicians track medical conditions and take swift and appropriate action to improve patient care, hospital performance, and compliance.


Improve clinical efficiency and capture complete documentation. Group Notes expedites documentation by applying notes about group therapy sessions to an individual or an entire group. Integrate with treatment plans to improve care coordination to drive positive outcomes.


Plan and monitor patient progress based on specific goals, objectives, and interventions. All team members involved in care can contribute to Treatment Plans to support personalized care, including managing assessments, medications, and diagnoses, and transferring details to provider notes, Session Manager, and Group Notes.


Enhance patient monitoring and identify critical changes in their condition with real-time documentation. Flowsheets improves columnar documentation, color coding observations over time so you can adjust treatment plans. Tailor your data collection and integrate it into existing workflows without vendor support.

Ready to get started with Juno EHR?

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Juno EHR for Acute Care was developed with the assistance of Louisiana Economic Development’s Office of Entertainment Industry Development.