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Our Top Takeaways from HIMSS24

| April 3, 2024 | By
HIMSS24 logo with a rewind symbol and recap overlaid various images from the event.

Last month we attended HIMSS24, the latest installment of the annual healthcare information management conference, in Orlando, Florida. We had a wonderful time showing off Juno EHR as well as getting to see friends from past events, making new friends, and seeing what people in our industry were interested in and talking about. 

While some topics were to be expected and are likely to continue to generate interest for the foreseeable future, it was interesting to see how they were viewed this year, as opposed to past years. AI, for example, has continued to move from the theoretical to implementation, but perhaps not in the ways some envisioned. Keep reading to see what else stood out to us. 


AI requires a measured approach 

While generative AI certainly is expected to achieve some impressive feats, we saw AI being utilized most effectively – and potentially safely – in the mundane. “If you have an AI algorithm that helps schedule patients,” said Lee Miller, Software Architect at Juno Health, “that directly affects patient care.” Administrative tasks, documentation, and resource allocation can all be handled safely by AI, freeing up skilled providers to spend more time with patients, improving outcomes, and helping with staff shortages. 


Reducing burnout is still a top priority for executives 

Four years after the onset of COVID-19 and healthcare workers are still feeling the pressure. Amber Ramos, RN, Senior Solutions Demonstrations Specialist at Juno Health, noted, “Burnout is one of the leading factors in the medical workforce – specifically in nursing – attributing to staffing shortages and the exiting of seasoned clinicians that are so desperately needed.“ Hospital executives know in order to keep staff working not only in their facility, but in the healthcare industry in general, unnecessary pain points and headaches must be eleviated. One way that this can be addressed is by offering clinicians more control over how they work and removing obstacles to care delivery.

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EHR usability is king 

This goes hand in hand with reducing burnout. Many clinicians cite a difficult to use EHR as a major cause of frustration. On top of that, an inefficient EHR, that introduces duplicative tasks, and adds to the documentation burden takes up valuable time – time that should be spent with patients. Not only do the front-line staff suffer," said Ramos, “but so do the patients who are waiting on a medication, need quick information about their upcoming procedure, or simply require more bedside time with their nurse.” In fact, most executives we spoke with said usability was the most important factor in their choice of EHR. 


Data security and compliance are still top of mind

We heard from many people that, while it may not be the shiny new toy that AI is viewed as, data security and compliance still come first. "Data security and compliance remain non-negotiable priorities," emphasized Brent Berrios, Senior Manager of Project Portfolio Management at Juno Health. "While industry trends may fluctuate, safeguarding our data will forever remain paramount." When we asked one hospital executive what was most important to him in an EHR, he told us, “Everything.” However, he then went on to say that top-level security is a must-have and that any perceived deficiencies in that area would be a deal breaker when choosing an EHR. 


Ready to learn more?

If we missed you at HIMSS24 or if you’d like to see how Juno Health is addressing key issues in healthcare like AI, burnout, EHR usability, data security and more, schedule some time with a member of our team. We'd love to show you how Juno Health is revolutionizing the EHR experience.